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Friday, 2 February 2018

Top 5 Iphone fact u don't Know 2018

I'm trying to tell you some kind of fact that you would not know. 5 intresting fact u dont know i will tell you  iphone fact which you like, so let's start

Fact.1:Do you know that the iphone was not started from the phone, but the tablet pc was started with the tablet pc.When the Tablet PC was designed, there was a virtual keyboard in which Steve Jobs saw the Virtual Key board, and thought that such a keyboard can be made, if they thought it would be possible to make virtual keyboards.So this technology can be implemented in this phone too, since then Idea got and the first iPhone came in 2007.

When the first time the first iPhone was ready, an Apple company proposed that whatever people on the network should have their name should not come on that phone. Apple's logo should have come first.This proposal was first placed by the company that the company wanted to attach to the iPhone sale.Do not want to be used by any SIM people, only Apple's logo should have come up with the full branding.

If you did not make the first iPhone Apple company, then you would not believe me. Yes, Cisco Systems has registered the first name of the iPhone and the system was also providing the service to the Voice Over ip (VoIp)After telephone call, when the phone came out, Apple company had filed a lawsuit against the Apple company by the Cisco company.

Did you know that the Apps Store was a place where you can download any app on legally.Any app can be downloaded as a backdrop, first of all, when any App Store comes ready, it is the apps store where you can download a legally open app and purchase apps.

You must have noticed whenever the phone came in the advertisement, why are there 9:40 o'clock.This is the time when Steve Jobs launched the first phone in 2007.It was time to show people that time was 9:41 Anything you see ads on the iPhone 9:41 are ringing.


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